Agnelli’s Inheritance, the Court of Turin orders 78.4 seizure for Elkann brothers

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Agnelli Money Seizure 2024

John, Lapo and Ginevra Elkann, followed by the accountant Gianluca Ferrero and the swiss notary Robert von Gruenigen are implicated in this event.
The seizure is a part of the invesigation that involves Marella Caracciolo, widow of the FIAT President Gianni Agnelli, and Margherita Agnelli, mother of Elkann brothers.
At the very top of inquiry there is a fictitious address located in Switzerland in order to avoid taxation and italian inheritance law.

But, unfortunately, Marella have lived in Italy on 2010, and from 2015 to 2019 (time of decease).
A computer and a fraude manual has been sequestrated by the authorities and, thanks to ex maids disclosure, a main evasion plan has been revealed.

John Elkan Ferrari

Charge accusation and statements

The Treasury so did not have received 42,8 millions worth of personal income tax and 32 millions of inheritance taxes on a total amount of 800 millions divided by properties, investments funds, art, jewelry and a pair of companies located in the Bahamas and Luxembourg.
Elkann legal staff has so declared: “the foreclosure doesn’t involve a responsibility from our clients, and, furthermore, it doesn’t meet the requisites established by the law, there has never been a risk of goods leakage. and, to be clear, Mariella Caracciolo has always expressed her desire to live in Switzerland, as a matter of fact she has lived there from early 70’s, much before the brother’s birth.”

Behind the scene

This all started with a deposition of Margherita Agnelli, released on 23rd December 2022. The woman fight for this inheritance battle from decades.
Now, one thing is absolutely sure: the residence in Switzerland is fictitious, and it has been determined by the authorities.
During the search in the accountant office, a book has been found. It showed every possible expedient to make the fictitious residence belivable. With the help of a bunch of people, they collected correspondence and managed the bank accounts to corroborate the made up story.

We will keep you updated as soon as new statements will be released.