Alfa Romeo: thermal versions will continue? The future may not just be electric

Gloria Fiocchi Author
Jean-Philippe Imparato, CEO of Alfa Romeo, recently made some statements outlining the brand’s future
Alfa Romeo CEO Imparato

The Biscione brand is poised toward a zero-emission car tomorrow, with models capable of exceeding incredible range on an instant charge. Even so, the Biscione brand wants to keep a part of tradition: CEO Jean-Philippe Imparato does not rule out thermal versions for upcoming models, demonstrating a flexible and forward-looking strategy.

Alfa Romeo: electric yes, but not only – confirmation of thermal versions from Imparato

Jean-Philippe Imparato, CEO of Alfa Romeo, recently spoke enthusiastically about an increasingly electric future for the brand, with a range of cars that will see several zero-emission models that will be capable of ranges in excess of 700 km with very fast charging times. Despite the necessity with which the car market is shifting toward electric, Imparato did not rule out that thermal versions may also be available in the future for upcoming models, although he is fully aware of the sudden change that the automotive landscape is undergoing.

New Alfa Romeo Stelvio render

This would be a flexible approach for the brand to adapt to market needs on all sides. Thus, Alfa Romeo’s strategy proves to be both pragmatic and forward-looking, ready to adapt quickly to market developments but always keeping in touch with customer preferences. This kind of strategy for Alfa Romeo, is also supported through the work of the STLA Large platform, which forms the basis for the brand’s next three models. This, is also perfectly suited to the implementation of internal combustion engines, so there is the possibility of being able to offer greater flexibility, allowing the needs of a wider audience to be met.

Alfa Romeo Giulia render

As we know, it will be Stelvio and Giulia that will open the dances to Alfa Romeo’s great return to the market, which promises to be full of novelties. The new Stelvio is expected in the second quarter of 2025, will be followed by the Giulia in the second half of 2026. Finally, in 2027, the brand may surprise everyone with a new model in the E-segment, as discussed elsewhere.

Nevertheless, their future for thermal engines remains rather uncertain at the moment. Even if the topic of electrification lies at the heart of Alfa Romeo’s strategic plan, the possibility of thermal cars from future models also being made available is still very good news for fans who are fond of traditional engines, which in all likelihood are still quite numerous and this would justify the strategic Alfa Romeo plan. At present it is unknown whether these will be solely thermal models and whether they will be combined with hybrid technologies.