Maserati: between optimism and worries, future looks uncertain

Gloria Fiocchi Author
A lot of uncertainty for Maserati: from one side Minister Urso expressed confidence in the future of the Trident, on the other the unions reiterated their concerns.

Maserati’s future is shrouded in some uncertainty. On the one hand, Enterprise and Made in Italy Minister Adolfo Urso is optimistic about the future of the Trident brand, promising investment and new models. On the other, trade unions and local politicians express concern about the fate of the Modena plant and the possible downsizing of the Innovation Lab.

Maserati: meeting at the Ministry brings glimmers of hope, but the future remains uncertain

As previously anticipated, the future of Maserati is shrouded in clouds of uncertainty. The Modena plant is in such a difficult situation that the Emilia-Romagna region had requested an urgent meeting with Minister Urso. The meeting at the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy between Stellantis, the group that controls Maserati, and the social partners was held, but did not lead to a definitive solution.

meeting Mimit

Minister Urso expressed optimism about the brand’s future, saying that Maserati represents “one of the Stellantis Group’s major production strengths in Italy.” He also asked Stellantis to strengthen the research and development center in Modena and to guarantee the supply chain of the supply chain. However, labor unions have not hidden their concerns. They fear that the Modena production site could be downsized and that the Maserati Innovation Lab would be downsized, which would have a negative impact on employment and local know-how.

Maserati Innovation Lab

Maurizio Oreggia, automotive coordinator of the national FIOM CGIL, said that “no guarantees have emerged regarding the future of the historic Maserati production site in Viale Ciro Menotti in Modena.” Oreggia also expressed concern about the future of Maserati’s Innovation Lab, where there are fears of downsizing in terms of both personnel and facilities. Stefano Boschini, FIM CISL national automotive coordinator, proposed focusing on a “new super sports car model to be produced in Modena to give stability to production and to avert the risk of impoverishment of the site in terms of technology and skills.” Despite the concerns, Minister Urso was optimistic about Maserati’s future. Urso said that Maserati is “one of the Stellantis Group’s greatest strengths in production in Italy” and asked Stellantis to strengthen the research and development center, as well as to guarantee the supply chain of the allied industries.

And what does the future hold? The future of Maserati is still uncertain. Minister Urso’s promises will have to be translated into concrete investments and new models to give stability to the Modena site. The unions will continue to monitor the situation closely and will not hesitate to mobilize if necessary.

Minister Adolfo Urso

Stellantis unveiled some key points of Maserati’s future, confirming the group’s commitment to the Trident brand. Among the most interesting news is the start of production of the electric Maserati MC20 Folgore, starting in early 2025. An important step toward electrification, which goes hand in hand with the creation of an Atelier dedicated to the customization of cars, coming by the end of 2024. But tradition is not forgotten: the design and development of future Maserati models will continue to take place in Modena, preserving the brand’s know-how and heritage in the land of Emilia. Minister Adolfo Urso, in fact, expressed his belief that Maserati represents a flagship for the Stellantis Group’s production in Italy, reiterating the importance of strengthening the research and development center in Modena. Priorities include safeguarding the supply chain in the supply chain and managing the new electric models, with the goal of maintaining employment levels, with an eye also on models that are not exclusively electric. “Modena could become the nerve center for the development of both electric and endothermic models,” the minister said, noting the importance of the “country project” in the automotive sector.

These announcements offer a breath of fresh air for Maserati’s future, raising hopes for a relaunch under the banner of innovation and enhancement of the brand’s historical heritage. Maserati’s future lies in the hands of Stellantis. The automotive group will have to demonstrate with facts its willingness to invest in the Trident brand and give the Modena plant a secure future. The hope is that Minister Urso’s words will be translated into concrete actions and that Maserati can continue to represent Italian excellence in the world of luxury cars. The future of Maserati, however, is still in flux, and new details may emerge in the coming weeks. We will stay tuned to see how the situation evolves.