Stellantis and Genelec: the immersive audio lab is born

Gloria Fiocchi Author
Teaming up with Genelec, Stellantis sets up state-of-the-art Dolby Atmos lab in Bengaluru
Stellantis and Genelec, audio lab

Automotive group Stellantis has recently inaugurated a completely innovative, state-of-the-art immersive audio laboratory in India. This is a sophisticated technological system that is dedicated to perfecting to the fullest its in-vehicle use. This new facility, comes as entirely new among Indian auto manufacturers and is certainly an evolutionary step in what concerns the field of acoustics in the automotive industry. Additionally, an ongoing commitment of Stellantis in wanting to advance in every single aspect that pertains to the automotive sector, on this occasion, they use the ingenuities of the Genelec Smart Active.

The first Dolby Atmos 9.1.6 certified immersive audio lab in India is being inaugurated in Bengaluru by Stellantis in collaboration with Genelec, a leader in professional audio monitors. This new facility is being established as a benchmark for the production of high-quality audio systems for the group’s vehicles.

Genelec and Stellantis unveil new Dolby Atmos audio lab

So for those who are not familiar with it, Genelec is a company originally from Finland, and it is completely a leader in the professional audio monitor industry. The Genelec was established in 1978, and is famous internationally for its production of sublime quality active loudspeakers. They are constantly used within numerous recording studios, mastering rooms, audio post-production and professional listening environments, spaced throughout the world.

 Dolby Atmos

Genelec monitors’ features 

Genelec monitors are truly special because of the features that set them apart. We first find its innovative technology, as the company is always on the cutting edge. Their speakers have been equipped with completely exclusive patents such as for example the Directivity Control Waveguide (DCW) and Minimum Diffraction Enclosure (MDE), which guarantee meticulous audio reproduction. Another aspect that contributes to making them ingenious systems is the build quality, as these monitors are produced with the use of high-quality materials combined with craftsmanship that is reflected in their reliability and durability over time. They also have a very precise calibration thanks to the GLM (Genelec Loudspeaker Manager) software that allows the monitors to be precisely calibrated, adapting them to the acoustics of any room. Lastly, there is also a wide range of the Genelec products, which provides consumers with nearfield studio monitors up to immersive surround systems.

Building the “sound signature” in the new audio lab in Bengaluru

This new laboratory was located in Bengaluru, and was created to develop a unique and unprecedented “sound signature” only for each Stellantis brand. This is because the automotive group also wants high-level acoustics in its vehicles, which can be fully integrated with the most advanced infotainment systems. With the use of this new research and development center, Stellantis will be able to speed up the introduction of new audio features, such as over-the-air upgrades. These are a very convenient and, above all, very modern way to keep one’s electronic devices up-to-date, without the need to compulsorily take them to a special store. Therefore, this is also one more detail that cooperates in a valuable way in the project of canceling carbon emissions by 2038.

Stellantis and Genelec, audio lab
Smart Active and sound customization 

The soul of the workshop was an immersive sound system i type Dolby Atmos 9.1.6, which was made precisely with Genelec Smart Active monitors, which as we mentioned one of the most advanced on the market in the industry. This kind of configuration was achieved through detailed design and then numerous advanced computational simulations. Precious work that guarantees precise and, above all, very realistic acoustics, capable of making even the most subtle nuances of sound easily noticeable.

Therefore, we can say that this big step toward innovation leads to several positive aspects for the Stellantis company. We precisely start with sound customization, since from now on each brand in the group will have its own sound identity. Speeded up innovation, since Stellantis through the use of this lab will be able to introduce new sound-related features much more quickly. Of course, a positive and important aspect is that of sustainability, since the laboratory acts only with the use of materials and technologies that are environmentally friendly. Last, a great quality of the product, which is unquestionable. System created in a completely manic manner, for an audio that will certainly not disappoint expectations.  Also this project was realized in collaboration with Sound Team, i.e., a local partner of Genelec, which contributed invaluably to the realization of the work.