The air is now unbreathable in Detroit from the Stellantiis plant. Complaints do not cease and the situation is now unbearable for those living in the area, creating inconvenience in daily life and potential healthcare risks, especially for children and the older people. Citizens are calling for immediate action by Stellantis and local authorities to eliminate the nuisance odors and protect public health.
Smell pollution in Detroit: residents can’t take it anymore, protests against Stellantis
Residents living near the vicinity of the Stellantis plant in Detroit have been experiencing severe discomfort lately. For months, it appears that strong paint odors have persisted coming from the structure painting department at the facility, creating different kinds of problems for people living in the area.

Each of the numerous complaints have reached the state environmental agency, and each one describes intense and very annoying odors that, in some cases, can even be unbearable. Specifically, testimonies speak of “strong smell of paint,” “unbearable paint odor,” and “paint fumes” that seep into various homes, making daily life difficult.
Although Stellantis seemed to have taken care of the problem by installing new systems to abate odors, lately it seems that the situation has not improved at all for residents. To the contrary, local people report that the inconvenience has even increased in recent months.

Along with the primarily olfactory problem, residents also fear for their health. Indeed, people’s prolonged exposure to these kinds of solvents and other chemicals in the air and emitted by these very paints could bring harmful effects. This issue is also amplified, in case there is the presence of children and older people.
Some years ago, in 2021, brought almost to exasperation, some residents even filed a complaint with the EPA. This was a complaint against the negative impact the emissions were generating on air quality and public health. The complaint also pointed out the different way residents were being treated, primarily low-income people and especially Afro-Americans, as opposed to different areas of the city.

Stellantis pledges to take action on paint department odors, but residents remain wary
Stellantis was quick to dismiss all allegations and was quick to point out that the air quality in the area is within the limits that have been set by current regulations. Other statements, also confirmed that the company has invested in different initiatives to improve the situation. These included the installation of new odor abatement systems in the paint shop and constant monitoring of air quality. Also included was a grant program for the redevelopment of housing near the plant and an agreement with local authorities to carry out urban redevelopment in the area.
Notwithstanding all efforts by Stellantis, the persistent smell problem currently remains unresolved. Local authorities are keeping an eye on the situation and advise residents to report any incidents of intense odors to continue monitoring the event.
Some experts’ studies suggest that the current situation could be resolved with the addition of odor abatement technologies with more advanced technologies and with closer cooperation between Stellantis, local authorities and even residents. Currently, it remains unclear how the issue will be permanently resolved. So residents are still hoping for actions that are concrete on the part of the authorities and Stellantis in order to be able to protect the health of everyone living around the plant and the normal livability of the neighborhood.